ISA Healthcare Solutions

A division within ISA - the team understands the current and future demands of digital health and comprises of experts include clinicians, health administrators, management consultants and technologists, that work together at the cutting edge of healthcare technology.

Alongside healthcare consulting, ISA Healthcare Solutions have products that can be deployed across a range of healthcare scenarios.

A web-based e-Health platform built on the foundation of comprehensive shared care, supporting a patient-centric approach to clinical decision making and outcomes. Underpinned by decision support tools and evidence based care plans, MMEx provides the basis for effective clinical governance, informing superior clinical management and practice administration.

ISA Insights
A comprehensive dynamic reporting and analytics suite. Sourcing data from multiple databases, including MMEx, Insights turns hard-to-read clinical information into easy-to-read graphs and reports.

The leading platform for communication and workflow optimization. The technology simplifies and improves the lives of healthcare professionals and patients, while enabling healthcare faciltieis to enhance quality of care and operational efficiency.